US (:
Stuff about us
We are the Year 1 squad.
30 cadets, 14 boys, 16 girls.
Too imba so we are boomz :B

Squad TO: Mr Melvyn Tan
CI and NCOs '10: Yousi ma'am, Jia-er ma'am, Mark sir, Terence Liew sir
NCOs '1011: Hazel ma'am, Jing Yu ma'am, Wei Xiang sir, Kai Xiang sir

2B Mei Yin; 7th May
2C Bok Leong; 6th February
2C Tang Shi; 23rd March
2D Bi Yun; 21st March
2D Fiona; 8th August
2D Kerwin; 13th December
2E Frank; 18th January
2E Karen; 2nd May
2E Zhen Hao; 3rd February
2E Phoebe; 12th April
2E Jiayi; 30th April
2F Ebelle; 13th October
2F Guanwei; 23rd May
2G Richard; 6th December
2G Cyrus; 18th June
2G Zhuoyan; 30th July
2H Shauna; 8th April
2H Jie Ying; 13th February
2H Yong Wei; 2nd January
2I Alvin; 25th December
2I Rachel; 25th August
2I Guo Hui; 23rd May
2J Jia Shin; 7th December
2K Si Yun; 4th April
2K Shao Wei; 10th November
2K Tissa; 24th September
2K Glenn; 15th March
2L Celia; 6th October
2L Dominic; 3rd October!


Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:13 PM
Message from Jia-er ma'am:

hello year1s!

Didn't really have time to say much on stage yesterday.
Anyway, firstly, thank you all very much for being such a cute and wonderful squad, you guys really made me enjoy the last half of my NCO life and look forward to coming for trainings as an NCO. I'll miss being your squad NCO (: I'm glad to see how much you guys have grown since that very first day when we met the whole group of you. Still, I hope you'll remember everything we've told you, from not dragging your feet to waiting for your squad, not cutting squad, not fidgeting in your squad, having a sense of urgency etc. All the stuff on basic discipline. Remind one another! Remember, one for all, all for one, you guys are one squad so help each other out alright! (Bok Leong please go teach your squad how to fall in properly, with the marching part. LOL.)

I don't know if you guys went to compare the messages on your cards but if you did then you'll realise that for most of you I told you to speak up more. Your squad has a lot of potential and many of you are very enthusiastic when it comes to outside trainings but during trainings all these people seldom speak up ): Usually I'll only see Bi Yun or Tang Shi or Fiona volunteering to answer questions or some of the same few people reporting to bags room (which by the way, isn't a very big accomplishment so please volunteer when asked to answer questions). Be more confident okay! Most of you probably have the correct answers but don't say anything. Say something! You won't be scolded for giving the wrong answer (unless it's really too ridiculous/obvious/something you are supposed to know).

And also please stop pushing everything to Jiashin okay. She will suffer. Squad leader isn't an excuse for her to do everything. (and usually as you progress, it won't matter whether you're squad leader or not, everything is up to your own performance. The squad leaders etc were chosen to facilitate communication between the squad and the year1squad ns. Which means that by now more of you should be helping to do the admin stuff like collecting forms.)

Now that we've passed out, while I hope that you'll remember us, you'll welcome your new squad NCOs too. (and please refer to them as sirs and ma'ams not just simply Hazel/Jing Yu/ Kai Xiang/Wei Xiang ._.) Don't try to compare us with them and our training methods, because it'll be different. They'll be stricter than we've been, since you've already been in NP for half a year and should therefore know more already. Keep up the positive attitude you guys have shown us so far alright! You'll become seniors in half a year, and I'm sure you'll all be wonderful seniors (:

I think one of my few regrets is that we didn't get the chance to conduct uniform check for your squad. (you'll get the joke once you've had your first U-check. If you really don't then you can ask me again :o)

And thank you for the very touching speech yesterday! (:

(okay this is getting way too long)

加油 and all the best! Boomz squad ftw :D

♥, your Jia-er ma'am (:

PS. in your subsequent POPs please give your presents to your squad Ns on the day itself leh. Otherwise it'll look like you didn't give your squad Ns anything :x

Monday, July 19, 2010 9:32 PM
Ok so I realised berhenti hasn't been posted o.o

If it lands on the right leg, timing is check-bang.
If it lands on the left leg, timing is check-1-bang.
Remember to always bang with your right leg and lift legs up to 90 degrees before banging.

Quick March
When facing general direction left, command is "Dari kanan chepat jalan"
When facing general direction right, command is "Dari kiri chepat jalan"
When facing general direction front/back, command is "Dari tengah chepat jalan"
Timing is Klick-klick-klick-nan-klick until berhenti.

Full Turning Commands

i) When facing general direction front,
to turn to general direction left, command is "Bergerak ke-kiri, ber tiga tiga, ke-kiri pusing"
to turn to general direction right, command is "Bergerak ke-kanan, ber tiga tiga, ke-kanan pusing"
to turn to general direction back, command is "Mengadap ke-belakang, ke-belakang pusing"

ii) When facing general direction left,
to turn to general direction front, command is "Mengadap ke-hadapan, ke-kanan pusing"
to turn to general direction right, command is "Bergerak ke-kanan, ber tiga tiga, ke-belakang pusing"
to turn to general direction back, command is "Mengadap ke-belakang, ke-kiri pusing"

iii) When facing general direction right,
to turn to general direction front, command is "Mengadap ke-hadapan, ke-kiri pusing"
to turn to general direction left, command is "Bergerak ke-kiri, ber tiga tiga, ke-belakang pusing"
to turn to general direction back, command is "Mengadap ke-belakang, ke-kanan pusing"

iv) When facing general direction back,
to turn to general direction front, command is "Mengadap ke-hadapan, ke-belakang pusing"
Take note of "exception rule"
to turn to general direction left, command can either be:
"Bergerak ke-kiri, ke-kiri pusing" OR
"Bergerak ke-kiri, ber tiga tiga, ke-kanan pusing"
to turn to general direction right, command can either be:
"Bergerak ke-kanan, ke-kanan pusing" OR
"Bergerak ke-kanan, ber tiga tiga, ke-kiri pusing"

Sunday, July 18, 2010 10:50 PM
Ok so I changed the blogskin :x
And take note I have the tendency not to write a post title hahah.

Fiona is not very awesome but awesome-r than you

5:25 PM
I'm here to rot.
Yay. Sizing command.

1) Yang tinggi ke-kanan, rendah ke-kiri, dalam satu barisan paras
Execute keluar baris and form a straight line by height, tallest on the right, shortest on the left. Stand in sedia, shoulder to shoulder.
Timing: Turn-check-bang-check-1-2-3-bang

2) Dari kanan/kiri/kanan dan kiri angka dua bilang
Number off from the direction given, first person shouting "satu", second person shouting "dua", third person shouting "satu" and so on.
No timing.

3) Nombor ganjil satu langkah kehadapan, nombor genap satu langkah kebelakang gerak
People who shouted odd number take a step forward, people who shouted even number take a step backward.
Timing: 1-check (bang on check)

4) Orang yang di-sebelah ke-kanan diam, nombor ganjil ke-kanan, nomber genap ke-kiri, barisan ke-kanan dan ke-kiri pusing
Extreme right marker does not move, people who shouted odd number turn to the right, people who shouted even number turn to the left.
Timing: Turn-check-bang

5) Jadikan dua/tiga barisan chepat jalan
Quick march to form two or three lines. Turn left to face the front after everyone has marched into place. Right marker will give the timing.
Timing: 2-3-4-turn-check-bang

So long. Fiona here lulz.